First light of lavender

our adventure starts 2012, like the strong aroma of our favourite flower we make sure that our fragrance is be4 us, this why we are well known for our professionality, expeditious punctual and high quality. Lavender has worked assiduously to provide outstanding media services to partner cutting across industry verticals in the public and private sectors. Lavender team with Saudi leadership and multi-nationality experts from gulf and Singapore of talented and highly experienced professional team to deliver our partner”s project to perfection in ragtime.


In Lavender, we believe in a synergy that increased capacity to deliver world-class projects across national borders. we have established partnerships with other multimedia organizations of international repute. This synergy, coupled with a passion for perfection is pertinent to our fast-paced success and emergence as an innovation leader in the multimedia industry of Saudi Arabia.


here were u find much of love, professionality, creativity, passion and more!

Our Values

“We don’t just make a film, tell a story, build a Brands, or animate a visual imagination. We’re dream makers ! and inspire imagination.”

- Safwan AlModhayan

IHSAN : Our Life Style
UNIQUENESS : Inspired Ideas
PERFECTION : System Of Our Work
IMMEDIATE : Essence Of Day